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Why Use a Stainless Steel Pour Over Coffee Maker?


Why Use a Stainless Steel Pour Over Coffee Maker?

Save money, your health and the planet! Switch to a stainless steel pour over coffee maker and start brewing coffee sustainably.

If you’re a coffee aficionado that cares about the environment, you need a blend of great coffee and sustainable design.

Coffee lovers rely on pour over coffee makers. They’re efficient, practical, and deliver robust flavor without making a mess. But how can you responsibly enjoy quality drip coffee without the waste of paper filters?

The answer is a stainless steel pour over coffee maker. Stainless steel’s popularity among coffee connoisseurs is exploding for 3 key reasons:

  1. Stainless steel enhances the quality of every ingredient in your coffee.
  2. It eliminates the waste created by conventional pour over coffee filters.
  3. You get the perfect cup of coffee while saving money.

How do products like Minimal’s stainless steel pour over coffee maker deliver on quality while saving your money and the planet? Let’s learn more about this popular coffee brewing trend.

Stainless Steel Pour Overs Enhance Quality and Taste

A fantastic cup of coffee relies on 3 factors: a great coffee bean, clean brewing technique, and water quality. 

When you taste coffee made with a stainless steel pour over system, you’ll experience all 3 factors at their best. 

Any coffee lover knows a good cup of coffee is over 98% water. It’s crucial your pour over system keeps your water hot, fresh and pure.

Stainless Steel Delivers Hot, Pure Water

A stainless steel pour over product guarantees your hot water stays hot. The thin steel material absorbs water’s heat quickly and effectively — a welcome departure from your automatic drip coffee maker. 

It’s a great idea to eliminate plastic from your brewer. Hot water permeates plastic, allowing small particles and toxins to pass through the coffee dripper and into your cup. Borosilicate glass is cleaner than plastic, but isn’t great at retaining heat.

Replace plastic and other porous materials with stainless steel. You’ll ensure nothing touches your coffee grounds except the fresh hot water you pour.

A Clean Pour Over Brewing System

Stainless steel pour over coffee makers are easy to clean. The mess of torn paper filters and splattered grounds is gone. It’s replaced by a durable, efficient system designed to reduce waste.

The primary task associated with stainless steel pour overs is cleaning coffee oil, and it’s a breeze. A simple mix of baking soda and hot water does the trick — no harmful detergent needs to touch the filter surface. 

And stainless steel allows most of your coffee’s natural oils to stay in the coffee, so cleanup is scarcely needed.

Coffee Brews With No Unexpected Additions

Customer reviews find pour over coffee is more robust than other at-home brewing options. This is due to the addition of preheated water (rather than the water heating among the grounds). A pour over system also eliminates many of the other unwanted additions in your cup of coffee — namely, less grounds in the cup.

Switching to a stainless steel pour over coffee maker also reduces the risk of any other unwanted additions to your beverage. There won’t be any trace plastic in your drink, and filter paper residue won’t be possible.

Speaking of paper coffee filters, let’s look at how stainless steel coffee makers have a positive effect on the environment.

Eliminate Paper Coffee Filters and Save the Environment

Current studies show 68% of Americans drink coffee at home every day. Even if each of them only uses one paper coffee filter a day, that’s over 82 billion paper filters per year in the United States alone.

That level of waste simply isn’t sustainable, and it’s easily avoided.

A stainless steel coffee brewer delivers delicious coffee without having a harmful environmental impact. And eliminating paper from our landfills isn’t the only eco-friendly benefit to avoiding paper filters.

Did you know many paper coffee filters are bleached with chlorine or oxygen? These are harmful chemical processes that create runoff and other waste materials. A move away from using paper filters helps eliminate these chemicals from entering our environment and water supply.

If these reasons aren’t enough to move to stainless steel, then let’s have a conversation with your wallet.

Stainless Steel Pour Over Coffee Makers Save Money

Sure, you could buy a cheap glass carafe or plastic alternative. But how many of those will you buy over a lifetime? How much plastic will end up in your coffee mug? And how many cups will end up in the microwave to make up for the heat loss of a glass system?

A Minimal stainless steel pour over system is a “for-life” purchase. Its durable design is built to last — the first one you buy will be the last.

It’s also simple to pack your Minimal pour over for travel, work and vacation. At an adjustable height of 260 millimeters and a weight of just 1,250 grams, you can take it virtually anywhere. 

That means no more paying for overpriced coffee when you’re on the move.

Save The Planet, Your Money and Your Coffee!

If you aren’t brewing coffee with a stainless steel pour over coffee maker, it’s time to make the switch

Save your body from the harmful toxins of plastic and the unwanted tastes of loose grounds in your cup.

Save your planet from excess paper waste and harsh chemical runoff from chlorine filter treatments.

Save your wallet from having to buy paper filters and multiple coffee makers again.

Check out Minimal’s stainless steel pour over coffee maker and other sustainable related products!


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